# Built-in checks

These are the built-in checks included with PHP Checkup; along with their configuration options which may vary from check to check. To learn how to register and use any of these checks, take a look at this guide.

# PHP Extension Loaded

Use Gerardojbaez\PhpCheckup\Checks\Php\ExtensionIsLoaded when checking for loaded PHP extensions. Each extension requires a new instance.

The constructor accepts one argument, which is a string representing the name of the extension you are checking.

This check doesn't return any formatting data.


use Gerardojbaez\PhpCheckup\Checks\Php\ExtensionIsLoaded;

$mbstring = new ExtensionIsLoaded('mbstring');
$mailparse = new ExtensionIsLoaded('mailparse');

# PHP Minimum Memory Limit

Use Gerardojbaez\PhpCheckup\Checks\Php\MinimumMemory when checking for a minimum of PHP's Memory Limit.

The constructor accepts two arguments, the first one is an int representing the minimum bytes to check, the second argument is a string representing the current memory_limit value (i.e., ini_get('memory_limit')).

This check returns formatting data with the following values:

  • target_memory: The target minimum memory limit.
  • memory_limit: The memory limit currently set.


use Gerardojbaez\PhpCheckup\Checks\Php\MinimumMemory;

// 50MB minimum
$memory = new MinimumMemory(1024 * 50, ini_get('memory_limit'));

# Minimum Semantic Version

Use Gerardojbaez\PhpCheckup\Checks\MinimumSemver when checking for a minimum semantic version. For example, you can use this check to make sure PHP version meets a minimum target version.

The constructor accepts two string arguments, the first argument is the target version, the second argument is the current version to test; if you are testing for a minimum PHP version, use phpversion().

This check returns formatting data with the following values:

  • target_version: The target minimum version.
  • current_version: The current version being tested.


use Gerardojbaez\PhpCheckup\Checks\MinimumSemver;

$memory = new MinimumSemver('7.2.0', phpversion());

# File or Directory Writable

Use Gerardojbaez\PhpCheckup\Checks\Filesystem\Writable when checking whether a file or directory is writable.

The constructor accepts one argument, which is a string representing the file or directory path you are checking.

This check doesn't return any formatting data.


use Gerardojbaez\PhpCheckup\Checks\Filesystem\Writable;

$storage = new Writable('/var/www/html/storage');

# File or Directory Readable

Use Gerardojbaez\PhpCheckup\Checks\Filesystem\Readable when checking whether a file or directory is readable.

The constructor accepts one argument, which is a string representing the file or directory path you are checking.

This check doesn't return any formatting data.


use Gerardojbaez\PhpCheckup\Checks\Filesystem\Readable;

$key = new Readable('/var/www/html/storage/private.key');